Terms Of Use

Last updated: August 15, 2024

Welcome to ShaBaas Pay.

Privacy Collection Statement

This Privacy Collection Statement applies to the collection of personal information by or on behalf of ShaBaas Pty Ltd (ACN 653 591 550) (ShaBaas, we us, our).

ShaBaas may collect personal information from you for a range of reasons, depending on our particular dealings or interactions with you. Generally speaking, ShaBaas collects personal information as part of our account opening and account administration processes, to provide you with information and to provide you with our payment services.

ShaBaas may also be required or authorised by law to collect certain personal information from you and/or disclose your personal information. For example, ShaBaas may be required to collect and disclose certain information in order to comply with the identification and verification requirements imposed under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules.

ShaBaas collects this personal information for the purposes of supplying you with information you request from us, supplying our payment services to you, verifying your identity as required by applicable law, personalising your experience with our services, conducting marketing, promotions, competitions, giveaways and events, contacting you to obtain your feedback regarding our services or to conduct other market research, analysing information we collect so that we can administer, support, improve and develop our business and the services we offer and complying with the obligations of ShaBaas under any applicable laws.

If you do not provide the personal information requested by ShaBaas or provide incomplete or inaccurate information, we may not be able to accept or process your application, may not be able to provide our payment services to you or may be limited in how we can interact with you.

The ShaBaas privacy policy sets out details of how ShaBaas will collect, store, manage, use and disclose personal information it collects from you. The ShaBaas privacy policy is available from us on request and can also be accessed on our website at www.shabaas.com.au (Privacy Policy). The ShaBaas Privacy Policy also contains information about how you can access and seek correction of the personal information held by ShaBaas, how you can make a complaint to ShaBaas about a breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or any registered code under the Privacy Act that binds ShaBaas, and how ShaBaas will respond to and deal with such a complaint.

ShaBaas may disclose your personal information to:

  • related companies of ShaBaas in order to provide our services to you;
  • our service providers, contractors and other third parties that provide products or services to us (including our technology service providers, payment processors, verification services and administration service providers);
  • other third parties that are integral to the provision of our services (including financial institutions and other payment processors);
  • where you use our services to make payments to merchants or other third parties, the merchants and other third parties you make those payments to;
  • third party service providers for identity verification or Anti-Money Laundering compliance related purposes;
  • people or entities considering acquiring an interest in the business or assets of ShaBaas;
  • ShaBaas professional advisors (including legal and accounting firms, auditors, consultants, insurers and other professional advisers); and
  • government authorities where required by law.

Where possible ShaBaas will require that its technology and other similar vendors store any data and personal information they collect from ShaBaas in Australia. However, some of these vendors may access or store your personal information outside of Australia for limited purposes (such as standard data analytics purposes).

For queries or information regarding privacy matters please contact ShaBaas Privacy Officer using any of the following contact details:

Email: support@shabaas.com

Phone:+61 2 8094 8092